1. Why would you like to join Everest? *
2. Do you want to be a Buyers Agent? *
3. What is/will be your number 1 strength as a Buyers Agent? *
4. Why did you decide to be a buyers agent (outside of helping people buy property)? *
5. What are you finding challenging right now as a Buyers Agent, and why? *
6. If there was a magic pill 💊, that would give you what need right now, to win as a Buyers Agent - what would it be? *
7. How long have you been operating as a buyers agent or how long has it been since you started the course? *
8. Please specify, you have completed your full licence, you are working under the Merlin program or another BA, yet to complete licence (which is ok, we have BA’s at all levels in Everest) *
9. If operational, how much revenue (gross) have you generated? *
10. How did you hear about Everest? If it was a referral, please specify the person's full name *
Fill-Out Using The Information You Provided During Booking